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The Enormous Role Of SEO In Lead Generation For Small And Medium Businesses

lead generation

How SEO compliments lead generation is the first question that pops up while reading the heading.

What’s the link between them?

How do they work together?

First, we must understand that they are both single entities. SEO leans more towards boosting web engagement, while lead generation helps in accelerating your business’ total number of clients.

Best believe, the benefits you can tap into by integrating SEO and lead generation are endless. SEO can assist your lead generation efforts by driving organic traffic to your website.

In this article, we’ll dive deep into the ways in which you can make use of SEO to its best abilities to complement your lead generation efforts.

What Is SEO?

Before we dive into the specifics of integration of SEO, let’s get an understanding of what SEO is in the first place. So, first things first, SEO’s prime objective is to improve the overall visibility and gain traction for your site through organic search results with the help of search engines. Therefore, SEO bypasses a list of web pages to get on top of the search results.

Remember that SEO’s prime goal is to boost your website’s visibility so that you can draw in the perfect set of people who need you, With the help of search engines. Gaining visibility will also increase the trust levels in the potential customer’s perception as people believe products that stay on top of search results.

The Basics Of Lead Generation

Lead generation facilitates capturing the attention of potential consumers related to your product/service with the sole aim of acquiring sales deals and quality leads. Therefore, lead generation is quite definitely a necessary operation to-go-to when it comes to transitioning consumers to customers in B2B and B2C companies.

Now that you’ve got a fundamental outlook of how SEO and lead generation work, let’s get a deeper insight into how you can integrate both to create more traffic and generate more leads while building a sales channel. 

The Connection Between SEO And Lead Generation

So why is SEO most suitable to pair up with lead generation?

The one-line answer would be that the more your business shows up on the first page of Google results, the more chances you must draw in perfect customers.

Now that we know that SEO is an excellent way to boost your clientele, increase your revenue and overall sales, and keep your business developing. It is essential that you attack and implement various SEO strategies. This will allow you to generate relevant leads because you display yourself better to your potential customers at the right time and place.

For example, let’s say you own an event planning company. Your target audience is supposed to be people who are exclusively looking to conduct events that you specialize in. So, how do you reach this specific set of audiences and draw them in?

lead generation for business - the role of SEO
SEO plays an integral role in lead generation

Owning a website alone won’t cut it. If you intend to generate leads aggressively, you must try implementing various SEO strategies for your business module. By implementing multiple SEO strategies, you’ll be able to attract the most qualified leads with whom you might have higher conversion rates.

Try to use specific targeted keywords related to the events you cater to, and this can help you a lot. In addition, and as discussed before, SEO gives you the opportunity to boost your overall rank in search engine results, which directly translates to higher exposure, web visits, traffic, and sales for your brand.

👉 Around 57% of B2B marketers vouch that SEO draws in a higher number of leads than any other marketing strategy. (Source)

👉 Leads drawn through SEO have a 14.6% conversion rate. (Source)

This makes it a compelling case for SEO to be an effective tactic to generate quality leads. You are making it difficult to leave out SEO when trying to pursue lead generation aggressively.

How Does SEO Help With Lead Generation?

Now that we know that SEO helps with lead generation, let’s see how it does it firsthand.

SEO will function as a channel that generates loads of leads to your company site. Thus, making your website an excellent lead generation tool.

Earlier, companies used to implement outbound tactics like cold calling to pursue their marketing ventures, but it seemed ineffective after a point. Thus, leading to inbound marketing to flourish. In inbound marketing, the leads that draw in will be more interested in what you offer than the people you approach randomly.

How Can SEO Convert Your Leads To Customers?

SEO doesn’t just stop generating leads, and It can also help you convert them into potential leads. After you’ve successfully drawn quality leads to your site, you are one step away from making it a sale. You can place CTAs at the end of blogs, posts on Instagram, LinkedIn, and more. This can give the customer direct links to products they can potentially buy.

How Can You Use SEO Effectively To Help With Your Lead Generation Efforts?

Listed below are some of the standard and efficient ways to build a solid SEO strategy to boost your website’s organic traffic. Inculcating these tactics can help you to increase your chances of drawing in contemporary leads:

Audit your site

Auditing your website is much needed to help you analyze your web pages so that you can find out to know which web pages are performing well and which need improvement. Crawling your website is one of the first things you can do to facilitate this. There are multiple prominent tools in the market to help you out with this.

Perform speed checks

A webpage that takes its own sweet time to load is never appealing and is always a buzzkill. Slow loading doesn’t just stop with affecting the user experience, but it can negatively impact the website’s overall ranking.

Moreover, slow-loading web pages can also be a contributor to increased bounce rates. Try using a page speed testing tool to analyze specific web pages on your website. This can potentially give you ideas on improving the performance of your web pages in case they have issues.

Do your keyword research

You must understand that the core element of SEO is having your content revolve around suitable keywords. Therefore, performing keyword research is necessary to play with different SEO strategies, catch the customers’ interests, and needs.

Creating content that doesn’t really match the search interest of customers can be quite a waste of effort. Always try to target topics and keywords that are relevant for your audience (make sure that they are keywords that people are searching for). Pick out a few main keywords related to your business module and generate a list of relatable terms that go with it.

These keywords are the foundation for any SEO strategy. Always try to include the relevant keyword in the first line or even the first word if you can. This goes for even the meta titles and meta descriptions. This helps your content to be recognized by search engine crawlers.

Check out these free keyword research tools.

Update on-page content

People expect to read content that keeps them hooked on and is accessible at its best. Sure, SEO helps to create traffic to your website, but first, your content must speak for itself before anything. Quality content will permanently withhold your standard and make it make the reader stay on the page without withdrawing from the site.

Therefore, it is always essential to evaluate the existing content on your website from time to time. Check for the flow of the language, material, relevance with today, and more. Overall, your content must add some form of value to the reader who spent minutes reading it.

Organizing your content sections with headers, bullet points, numbered lists, etc., and including infographics and stock images with descriptions can facilitate search engines to crawl. These are a few SEO-related tips to manage your website content.

After you’re done with that, analyze the performance of your web pages with the help of analytical tools like, for example, Google Analytics. These tools help you identify areas that need higher priority levels and SEO optimization, thus, allowing you to adjust instantly.

Both on-page and off-page SEO are a must for every business

Analyze your competitor’s performance

Analyzing and comparing your competitor’s performance with the help of SEO metrics might seem complicated, but it really isn’t as tricky as it sounds.

Keep track of your competitor’s standings who have applied similar SEO tactics and similar SEO queries. Try adopting and following some of those techniques if your competitor seems to be performing well. If you follow them and still seem to fall short, analyze why? Maybe it could be because of various other factors like the backlinks, connections with fellow competitors, or even the basics like the structure of the blog.

Comprehending how your content performs on par with your competitors will help you negate the strategies that weren’t that effective. This can even help you to identify the areas of your current tactics that need more emphasis.

Develop an ongoing content strategy

One of the most obvious keys to the quality channel of leads is to create consistent content that adds value to the readers. Once you create a necessity for your visitors by connecting with them and attracting them to your content, your visitors will be more than willing to sign up for email newsletters and fill in feedback forms, and more.

One way to manage the quality of content you put out is by scheduling your content by creating a content calendar. This helps you publish content without fail on time and enables you to stay consistent overall. In addition, schedule your content based on the keyword research you’ve done. This will give you the opportunity to engage with a broader range of potential customers.

A running content strategy integrated with proper keyword research will be of a helping hand for any lead generation campaign as putting out content that people are expecting will boost your brand presence and value.

A Backlink is created when various websites are linked and directed to with the help of links. These links are crucial to ranking better, as search engines see rankings as a medium or sign of credibility. However, not all backlinks are valued the same; getting a backlink from a legit site with a high domain authority can add more value to your links.

While backlinks can add so much value to SEO, building inbound links for it can be tricky. Google is always on the look for artificial linking occurrences and will strictly penalize websites with inorganic backlinks that possess irrelevant content. On a friendly note, it is always recommended to get your backlinks organically, and buying links, taking shortcuts won’t help you out eventually. The benefits to risk ratio aren’t worth it.

Instead, check out your current website, look out for broken links and try fixing them. This is a better way to work on your SEO while you process getting higher value backlinks from fellow websites. Consider guest blogging if you find a blog of your fellow peers that could do better by linking with one of your blogs. This helps you nurture relationships in your domain and get help from them.

Mobile optimization

More than half of web traffic occurs due to mobile devices. Mobile usage has become accessible to everyone today. Ensuring that you optimize and facilitate your application and content to adhere to mobile devices is key to reaching every individual.


Implementing SEO tactics for your websites can indefinitely change your way of generating leads. Implementing the techniques above can improvise and bring the version out of your business. SEO is a vast area and is competitive as it is being aggressively pursued by many B2B and B2C organizations today.

When implemented, you must find which of these tactics works best for you and continue enhancing them. Every business module is different, and you’ll only know what works when you implement and try them.

Good luck!

1. What is SEO lead generation?

SEO lead generation is the course of accumulating viable customers for products or services by gaining web visitors with the help of online search engines.

2. What is the role of SEO specialists?

SEO specialists are professional analysts who analyze and bring improvements to develop a site’s rank position on Google and Bing. SEO specialists mine the most happening and relevant keywords used in search engine queries and make use of them into websites, Thus helping search engines find those sites and display them to web users searching for related topics.

3. How does SEO differ from Lead generation?

SEO aims to divert organic traffic towards your site, while Lead generation targets acquiring a consumer’s attention in a product or service for the motto of increasing sales. With SEO, you wait for the search engines to deliver potential customers to your website.